A New Leaf/A New Book

November 16, 2023 § 2 Comments

Sketching with Renoir takes the reader to the fictional town of Loganville, Pennsylvania, a rural community outside of Philadelphia, where a young family is beginning their post WWII life. The woman, an artist, her husband, a fledgling architect and their five year old daughter are each searching for their own footing. I see families this waya mix of personalities joined in love and conflict. 

The first scene opens as Ev, the artist, sits at her kitchen table sketching, Renoir’s, Reclining Nude.

And, the subsequent observation by her five year old daughter, Cleo, that that the right hand, upon which the nude leans, is larger than the left. For this and other revelations, the reader must continue reading.

The following is one Endorsement for Sketching with Renoir

The delicate threads of everyday life and desires are examined keenly in Sketching with Renoir by Nicole d’Entremont. With her ability to evoke a physical setting using appeals to all our senses, d’Entremont has a way of showing the souls of characters caught between the said and unsaid in a way that makes us understand them fully.

Now, she did not see the trees but saw, instead, the line of his hand and arm, the profile of his face, the setting sun behind him casting long shadows on the grass, there was a riffle of wind, a tinge of late summer warmth, the musk of golden rod, Queen Annes lace. How to get all into a painting?

The elegant prose guides us through world events like the storm of New Years’ Eve in 1947 and the power of a tiny memento from the tragedy of World War I: one small button that demands attention and induces the man who treasures it to undertake a profound change.

In Sketching with Renoir, Nicole d’Entremont creates an emotional journey with vivid characters who take the reader with them.

—Rosanna Staffa, author of The War Ends At Four. Regal House Publishing, Raleigh, N.C.

Pitching one’s own book is not easy for most authors I know so what I hope to do every so often in this current blog is to provide a sample of the book’s narrative, an appetizer of sorts, so you, the reader, can decide whether it is a book of interest. Pretend it’s a reading in the very own bookstore of your mind and see if you want to continue.

Of course, if at any moment you are so stunned by the confluence of words, you can order your very own copy immediately from https://indieauthorbooks.com/fiction/sketching-with-renoir/ or, if you prefer a personally signed copy, please write me/ Nicole d’Entremont/PO Box 11/Peaks Island, Maine 04108 and enclose a twenty dollar check to cover cost.

Until next post, Au revoir for now, Nicole

§ 2 Responses to A New Leaf/A New Book

  • martha morris-gibson says:

    So exciting, Congratulations Nicole!

  • billylogs says:

    congratulations, looking forward to reading this! Hope you are well and ready for winter. I moved to WA state, so not much snow if any to deal with, just a bunch of relatives. Ha Ha… Bill K


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